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Mill Lane Vet


surgical procedures and investigations

For referring veterinarians


We provide a range of soft tissue and orthopaedic surgical procedures as well as investigations on a referral basis. As a certificate holder in small animal surgery since 1998, Joshua Rusnak has both the training and experience to offer clients a wide range of surgical and minimal access investigations and therapeutic procedures. The surgery is conveniently located in North West London and is extremely well equipped.


We can provide other vets and their clients with a local, hassle-free, cost-effective service. This can be of particular use for clients who are uninsured or who have limited insurance, or those who simply do not wish to travel far from home for their pet’s referral level care.


We aim to offer your clients a comprehensive range of minimally invasive investigations, biopsies and where desirable, definitive treatment. Services offered include:

Endoscopic procedures

Joshua Rusnak has advanced training in laparoscopy and thoracoscopy from the University of Georgia,USA, and has a complete range of sizes of both rigid and flexible scopes. This enables us to use the most appropriate size and specification of scope for each case, and to offer your clients:


  • Laparoscopy – including organ biopsy for tumour staging, prophylactic gastropexy, retained orchidectomy, laparoscopic spay

  • Thoracoscopy – including pericardectomy, partial lung lobectomy

  • Rhinoscopy

  • Bronchoscopy

  • Gastroscopy

  • Colonoscopy

  • Vaginourethroscopy/vaginocystoscopy

  • Arthroscopy

Orthopaedic surgery

Since gaining his CertSAS in 1998, Joshua Rusnak has gained much experience in orthopaedics, and much of his ongoing CPD has been directed towards gaining further expertise. Some of the more common orthopaedic surgeries that he can offer your clients include:


  • Cruciate repair – Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA), TPLO, Lateral Suture through bone tunnels at isometric points

  • Joint surgeries and correction of angular limb reformities

  • Fracture repair including both internal and external fixation

Spinal Surgery

We offer investigation and treatment of spinal problems, performing myelography and decompressive surgery.

Other referral services

Some other common surgical referrals we offer include:


  • Soft tissue surgery

  • Colposuspension

  • Soft tissue/oncological reconstructive surgeries – axial pattern flaps etc

  • Layngeal Tie Back, Tracheal collapse

  • Many other soft tissue surgeries

  • Ultrasound guided biopsy

We are very happy to discuss any of these services with referring vets, or to show them around our specialist operating theatre and surgical facilities. Discussion of individual cases can be done over the telephone free of charge, and we will also read radiographs without charge.


Our rates for referral services are competitive, and often represent a large saving compared to referral centres. We are always happy to receive enquiries.

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

We run a 24-hour emergency service.


Please telephone to book an appointment, or drop in for a cup of coffee and a tour of the practice.

Mill Lane Vet

68-70 Mill Lane

London NW6 1NJ

RCVS accredited

©2019 Northwest London Vets Ltd, all rights reserved. Privacy notice.

Website by Sacerdoti Creative Consultancy

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